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Collection: jME_Economo cases

Showing: 1 - 21 of 21 items.
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Thumbnail Name Description Tags
JEB Cases
Yujin cases
bltr_607b_jME02_ALM_20x_0513b.jpx Images of an electroporated cell in motor cortex.
GFP and GFP IHC with Cy3.
bltr_607_jME02_ALM_10x_0518.jpx Images of an electroporated cell in motor cortex.
GFP and GFP IHC with Cy3.
bltr707_ME08_ALM_WR17_1223.jpx Another few electroporated cells caudal to motor cortex.
bltr_747_ME11_rabies_ALM_m2_0728.jpx Tried to do rabies tracing from PT neurons, failed experiment
bltr_754_jSV107_SL1_thal_bs_0817.jpx From Sarada's collection. SL1-tdTomato in brainstem. Sl1-GFP in Thalamus. Wild type animal.
bltr_772_jSV108_SL1_thal_med_stack.jpx From Sarada's collection.
SL1-Flex-tdTomato in the brainstem.
SL1-Flex-GFP in Thalamus.
Emx1-Cre animal.
bltr_768_ME12_ALM2x_thal_med_957_0921.jpx Failed experiments. FLEX-GFP and FRT-tdTomato injected into ALM. SL1-Flp injected into thalamus. SL1-Cre injected into medulla.
bltr_769_ME13_ALM2x_thal_med_958_0921.jpx Failed experiments. FLEX-GFP and FRT-tdTomato injected into ALM. SL1-Flp injected into thalamus. SL1-Cre injected into medulla.
bltr_777_ME15_ALM_med_WR43_1013.jpx SL1-FLEX-ChR2 injected into medulla in EMX1-Cre animal.
Optic fiber inserted 200 um above injection site.
This animal was used for behavior/phototagging/recording.
bltr_780_ME16_ALM_med_WR42_1017.jpx SL1-FLEX-ChR2 injected into medulla in EMX1-Cre animal.
Optic fiber inserted 200 um above injection site.
This animal was used for behavior/phototagging/recording.
bltr_788_jSV109_SL1_H2B_thal_med_513_1127.jpx From Sarada's collection.
SL1-H2B-GFP injected into medulla
SL1-H2B-tdTomato injected into thalamus.
bltr_793_jSV110_SL1_thal_med_0194_1204.jpx From Sarada's collection.
SL1-Flex-tdTomato in the brainstem.
SL1-Flex-GFP in Thalamus.
Emx1-Cre animal.
bltr_798_jSV111_SL1_H2B_3x_536_1204.jpx From Sarada's collection.
SL1-H2B-GFP injected into medulla
SL1-H2B-tdTomato injected into thalamus.
SL1-H2B-FLAG injected into Pons.
bltr_799_jSV113_SL1_thal_med_2967_1205.jpx From Sarada's collection.
SL1-Flex-tdTomato in the brainstem.
SL1-Flex-GFP in Thalamus.
Emx1-Cre animal.
bltr_814_jSV115_H2B_IRN_SC_941_0123.jpx From Sarada's collection.
SL1-H2B-GFP injected into medulla
SL1-H2B-tdTomato injected into Superior Colliculus.
bltr_816_jSV118_H2B_thal_IRN_SC_897_0129.jpx From Sarada's collection.
SL1-H2B-GFP injected into medulla
SL1-H2B-tdTomato injected into thalamus.
SL1-H2B-FLAG injected into Superior Colliculus.
bltr_815_jSV117_H2B_thal_pons_IRN_896_0129.jpx From Sarada's collection.
SL1-H2B-GFP injected into medulla
SL1-H2B-tdTomato injected into thalamus.
SL1-H2B-FLAG injected into Pons.
bltr_922_ME15_SpinalCord_WGA_8265_1004.jpx WGA-Alexa555 Injected into the Spinal Cord (C4).
Brain + proximal cord imaged.
Showing: 1 - 21 of 21 items.
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